What's New ?
Joint press release from the JST, the University of Tokyo, RIKEN, Shimadzu Corporation and JEOL Ltd.
As part of the JST-Mirai Program, researchers from the University of Tokyo and RIKEN, in collaboration with Shimadzu Corporation and JEOL Limited, have successfully developed a compact and robust high-precision optical lattice clock.
・Press Release(Japanese):
Successful Development of the World’s First Compact and Robust High-Precision Optical Lattice Clock with a 250-liter Volume
-- Toward Real-World Applications of Optical Lattice Clocks --
・the University of Tokyo
・Shimadzu Corporation
・JEOL Limited
Assistant Ms. Sato joined the Katori/Ushijima Lab members.
New B4 students, Mr. Nakada and Mr. Ra, have been assigned to the Katori-Ushijima lab.
A press release was jointly issued by the University of Tokyo, RIKEN, Tohoku University, and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization.
"Laser spectroscopy of triply charged 229Th isomer for a nuclear clock"
Press Release of the University of Tokyo
Press Release of RIKEN (Japanese)
The award ceremony for the Breakthrough Prize, which was awarded to Professor Katori, was held in Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Professor Katori had been awarded the Breakthrough Priz in Fundamental Physics in FY2022, but the award ceremony was postponed due to a pandemic.
Press Release of the University of Tokyo

Joint press release from the University of Tokyo, RIKEN, and JEOL.
"Continuous generation of an ultracold atomic beam using crossed moving optical lattices"
"A research team led by Assistant Professor Shoichi Okaba and Professor Hidetoshi Katori at the University of Tokyo has developed the world's first continuous atom source in which laser-cooled atoms are drawn out by an optical belt conveyor and further output by changing the direction of motion with a crossing optical belt conveyor. The paper was also published in Physical Review Applied."
Press Release of the University of Tokyo
Press Release of RIKEN (Japanese)
Press Release of JEOL (Japanese)
A new paper has been published.
Shoichi Okaba, Ryoto Takeuchi, Shigenori Tsuji and Hidetoshi Katori,
"Continuous generation of an ultracold atomic beam using crossed moving optical lattices",
Physical Review Applied 21, 034006, Published 5 March 2024.
Mr. Takafumi Horie, an entrepreneur and investor, posted his impressions of his visit to Katori Lab on the content delivery platform "note". Optical lattice clocks leads to new space business (Japanese)
A "Visit to Katori Laboratory" by Takahiro Inagawa, President of Interstellar Technologies Inc. was posted on the content delivery platform "note".
"Possibility of Optical Lattice Clocks (Japanese)"
Three new members have joined Katori Lab.
・Graduation research student: Mr. K. Okamura, Mr. N. Hamano, Mr. K. Honda
A new paper has been published.
Ryoto Takeuchi, Hayaki Chiba, Shoichi Okaba, Masao Takamoto, Shigenori Tsuji and Hidetoshi Katori,
Continuous outcoupling of ultracold strontium atoms combining three different traps,
Mr. Kawamoto of the Master course and Ms. Koma of academic specialist, have joined the members of Katori Lab.
Professor Katori received the"Honda Prize 2022" , an international academic award. Professor Katori was highly awarded for his Invention of the “optical lattice clock” which is 1,000 times more accurate than conventional atomic clocks and deviates only one second in 30 billion years.
Press release from the Honda Foundation
About the Honda Prize
Press release from the University of Tokyo
The papers by Omae, Sakama, and Katori received the Excellent Paper Award from the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Electronics, Information, and Systems Division.
・Award: 2022 Electronic, Information and Systems Category Magazine Excellent Paper Award
・Authors: Nobuaki Omae (RIKEN), Toshiaki Sakuma (University of Tokyo), Hidetoshi Katori (University of Tokyo, RIKEN)
・Title: Full fiber transmission of high-precision frequency transmission of optical lattice clocks (Vol.139, No2, p.126-130, 2019)
Three new members have joined Katori Lab.
・Graduation research student: Mr. A. Sato, Mr. K. Sato, Mr. T. Fujii
At the TOKYO SKYTREE Tembo Deck, a video exhibition of experiments using optical lattice clocks has begun.
Dr. Honda, a visiting researcher (intellectual property producer), has joined the members of Katori Lab.
A paper on "A perspective on the future of transportable optical lattice clocks" by M. Takamoto, Y. Tanaka & H. Katori was published in Applied Physics Letters.
Professor Katori, received the "Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics", an international academic award.
Link: Press release from the Breakthrough Prize
Our design has been adopted on the cover of Advanced Quantum Technologies.
Link: Front Cover of Advanced Quantum Technologies
Four papers have been published since April of this year.
Link: Selected papers
Six new members have joined Katori Lab.
・ Technical Staff Dr. Noda
・ Master's course Mr. Suekane, Mr. Takeuchi
・ Graduate students: Mr. Kubota, Mr. Chiba, Mr. Yamashita
Dr. Takamoto, Dr. Omae, Dr. Ushijima, and Professor Katori received the "2020 RIKEN Eiho Award".
【Link】About the awarding of the RIKEN Sakaemine Award and the RIKEN Umemine Award
Dr. Takamoto, Senior Research Scientist, Received the "3rd (2020) Teruo Hiruma Optical Science Award".
【Link】Press release from Research Foundation for Opto-Science and Technology(Japanese)
【Link】Press release from RIKEN(Japanese)
Professor Katori, received the "Micius Quantum Prize 2020"
from the Micius Quantum Foundation.
【Link】Press release from the Micius Quantum Foundation
【Link】Website of the Micius Quantum Foundation
Professor Katori, received the "90th Anniversary Special Award" from the Hattori Foundation.
【Link1】The University of Tokyo Press Release Site (Japanese)
【Link2】The Hattori Foundation website (Japanese)
Main Research
(1)Development of highly accurate/-precise frequency standard using optical lattice clocks.
(2)Coherent atom control by atom-chip and/or atom IC
(3)Generation of Quantum entanglement by cooled atom
On research (1), we aim to achieve clock precision at 18-digit, and examine the constancy and time-fluctuation of physical constants based on our original idea of "Optical Lattice Clock". Research (2) and (3) aim to substitute conventional electronics with quantum electronics for creating new information processing systems, and we are carrying out research to realize quantum computer.

Right image:
Strontium atom cluster cooled and captured by magneto-optical trap.
Fluorescence from ten-million atoms cooled down to mili-Kelvin temperature can be seen at the centerof the image.
To students who wish to attend the graduate school
We are recruiting motivated students who are going to join the master's course
If you wish to pay a visit to our lab.. Please contact